Wednesday 5 November 2014

Week 7 update

Yet again another small update, i am genuinely struggling to find stuff to talk about on this, we are a point in the project were we are just chipping away at the design document, getting it perfect. Angus continues to work on concept art and myself and alex are beginning work on the character selection in the games coding but we are having issues with where to start haha!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Week 5 Update - sounds like victory!

A very small update this week, all members are working on their respective areas in the document although we have made some progress on our individual tasks

Fraser - fleshed out the options menu for the main menu, added options like master volume and resolution selection.

Angus - created a first draft of the guitar track to be used for trailer/main menu

Alex - Began work on the drum and bass track.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Week 4 update - The Hetfield Rises

4 weeks in anbd the team is making great progress, thanks to the work of Angus we have a prototype character created and ready for testing based on Metallica member James Hetfield, as seen below.

Also Fraser has begun working on a prototype games and has made up and sample of the main menu in unity, it is very basic just now but all the key functionality is in place, again, as seen below.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Judge Metal

This is the first piece of concept art Angus drew up, from this we got our theme and style we wanted, we decided to go with the image of a retro 80s futuristic dystopia, a world where rock is dead and all the remains is pop. Below is the pitch for our up and coming game,

“The world is being ravaged by the entirely detrimental flow of hipsters, indie rock enthusiasts and pop. To stem this plague it is left to the brave few, whom art blessed in thy shredding ability and rock tones, to slay this foe.”
The basic structure of the game involves three levels that each culminate in a boss fight. These levels will be side scrolling beat ‘em ups that involve defeating waves of enemies against a clock and fighting towards the final boss. Each level will include two mini-bosses.

There will be two batches of playable characters;
  • Hard Rock and Metal
  • Rock and Pop Punk
Within these batches there will be 6 characters a side, that are based on real musicians
The design of this game will leave room for additional levels and characters available as DLC. This will allow us to develop and expand the game post-release.

The style we are aiming for is retro pixel based games, such as Streets of Rage and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Team Tud's Crazy Unnamed Game - Part 2

Week 2 of our crazy project, we have thus far narrowed the game ideas down, we have settled on a beat em up becuase we feel this could be done quite well and is a classic idea and we something the team had never attempted to program before.

We decided to make it a musically based game and as Angus was the lead designer we tasked him with making a few bits of concept art to try and get a feel for the game and help develop some ideas, I also tasked alex with making the first draft of the gantt chart, and i began work on the project plan.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Team Tuds Crazy Unnamed Project - Part One

As part of our third year at UWS we were tasked with form a team creating a game from scratch. The team is as follows:

Fraser Gillespie - Project Lead and Paperwork
Angus Connor - Lead design and Soundtracks
Alexander McQuire - Lead Programming

At this point we flung a few ideas about, mostly working in 2D with the intention of making either a Side scrolling shooter, A Beat em up or a platformer game.

For the first week we thought it best to get set up with our collaboration methods, such as a Facebook page to ask for help, a Google drive shared space for uploading work and document creation amd this blog for posting up our development logs, stay tuned for more information on how our project pans out!